A Record of Successful Trial Results
A lot of lawyers claim to be “trial lawyers”. The fact is, most “trial lawyers” do not actually try cases. We do. We are very proud of the results we have achieved at trial. When you have tried cases to a jury and achieved extraordinary results, people take you seriously. That credibility and respect helps you resolve future cases. We provide respectful, honest, and compassionate representation and will match our results against anyone in North Dakota.
Client faced Life in Prison for a Crime he didn’t commit
The States best offer was 40 years in Prison. The prosecutor also told me that “if your guy is convicted at Trial, and doesn’t plead to my offer, I’m asking for Life.” Client from a very well known/affluent family. To Trial we went.
After a week long Jury trial, Bob was able to destroy the credibility of the alleged victim. Though the State intentionally hid exculpatory evidence, we were able to find it through a Private Investigator. The information was that the “victim” had a huge propensity for lying. Rather than turn that information over to me, (ethically and fairly) the State and Authorities “buried it.” They didn’t know I had it either. Through very calculated and aggressive Cross Examination, the States case crumbled. In under an hour, the jury returned with a Not Guilty Verdict.
Client charged with AA Felony
(The highest Charge in North Dakota). He Faced Life in Prison, with Minimum Mandatory sentence of 20 years. Prosecutors last offer was 40 years to serve in Prison.
After a week-long Jury trial, and through intense Cross Examination, Bob was able to substantially reduce the credibility of the investigative officers and the alleged victim. Not only did the “authorities” fail to use proper investigative techniques, they were extremely sloppy as well. The Jury returned a Not Guilty verdict and Client was 1) not sent to Prison for essentially the rest of his life 2) kept his excellent job, and 3) his family remained intact.
Client charged with Felony Aggravated Assault
Bob’s Client was charged with Felony Aggravated Assault and multiple Misdemeanors relating to a bar fight resulting in serious injuries. The fight began over all things “who’s pick-up truck was the baddest.” Client faced substantial Prison time, despite never having been in trouble before, Prosecutors best offer was for him to plead guilty to a Felony and be sentenced to Prison.
Through our pretrial investigation and preparation, we were able to determine that the “Victims” in this case had a propensity for aggressive behavior in Bars. We also discovered that they tried to (and did) interfere with the investigation and/or improperly influence Public Officials into pursuing this case. With this information, Mr. Bolinske was able to completely turn the tables on the “Victims.” The Jury ended up returning Not Guilty Verdicts on all Charges. Client didn’t go to prison, kept his high paying job and most importantly, was able to walk out of the Courtroom and return to his family.
Federal Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Client charged in Federal Court with Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Assault. If convicted client faced up to 15 years in prison. The Federal Prosecutors best offer was 6 years in prison.
After a two day jury trial we were able to diminish credibility of 3 eye witnesses and after the Jury deliberated for several hours found the client Not Guilty on all counts. Less than 1% of people are acquitted at trial in Federal Court.
Felony Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Simple Assault, Disorderly Conduct, and Refusal to Halt
Our client, a college football quarterback, was charged with multiple crimes, including aggravated assault. We argued that out Client acted in self defense and/or the defense of others. The Prosecutors last “offer” was 3 years in prison and the quote “the Jury will laugh you out of Court with that argument.”
After a 3 day Jury Trial, our Client was acquitted of all but the least serious charge. The State claimed to have 26 witnesses against our client. Through very effective cross examination we were able to discredit all of the States witnesses, even turning many of them into witnesses for us. Our Client didn’t spend a day in jail, was able to return to college, and most importantly is now able to have a bright and successful future ahead of him.
Medical Malpractice
Client underwent an unnecessary surgery and during the procedure a major vessel was cut. Client suffered a stroke leaving her partially paralyzed.
After a two week trial the jury awarded the Plaintiff (our client) with a 3.5 million dollar verdict for past and future economic losses.
Gross Sexual Imposition
Air Force airman was originally charged with gross sexual imposition. Client was accused of raping another airman. Faced 20 year prison sentence if convicted.
After a week long Jury Trial client was found Not Guilty. As a result did not go to prison and was able to continue his career as an airman.
Felony Attempted Murder
Client originally charged with Felony Attempted Murder. Charge was later amended to felony aggravated assault for “knife fight” outside of Williston bar. Faced a 2 year minimum mandatory prison sentence if convicted.
After week long Jury Trial, found Not Guilty. As a result, did not go to prison, and as a lifelong hunter, maintained gun rights.
Felony Criminal Trespass
Client charged with Felony Criminal Trespass.
After Jury Trial, found Not Guilty. Was able to maintain custody of daughter as a result and didn’t lose professional licensure.
Simple Assault/Domestic
Our Client was charged with assault on his former girlfriend, with whom he had a child. It appeared to us that she was either making up, or seriously exaggerating the incident, in an attempt to use it against him in a custody dispute. At trial we were able to discredit the accuser about her motives and/or “changing stories.” We were also able to discredit the Officers handling/lack of investigation of the case, as they rushed to judgement against our client.
The Jury found him Not Guilty, which substantially helped with his custody case.
Felony Kidnapping, Felony Endangering an Adult, and Physical Obstruction of a Government Function
Client was charged with very serious crimes relating to the alleged “kidnapping” of an uncle with interests in oil wells in Western North Dakota. Client faced over 30 years in prison.
All charges were dismissed after we “advised” the State’s Attorney, Detectives, and other county employees involved in the investigation and arrest, that we were considering suing them for false imprisonment and false arrest.
Felony Human Trafficking
Client charged with A Felony Human Trafficking and faced up to 20 years in prison and mandatory registration as a sex offender.
Through extensive negotiations and legal maneuvering, the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor, the client didn’t serve a day in jail and was not required to register.
Felony Gross Sexual Imposition
Client charged with A Felony Gross Sexual Imposition and faced up to 20 years in prison as well as mandatory registration as a sex offender. He faced extremely strong evidence against him and had even confessed to the crime.
Through negotiations and more specifically pressure being applied to the pressure points of the case, an agreement was entered into whereby the client received a Pretrial Diversion. Under the agreement, if the client successfully completes a probationary period and meets several criteria, the Client will never have a conviction for any crime whatsoever and will not have to register as a sex offender.
Felony Possession of Stolen Property and Theft
Client, a medical doctor, charged with felony counts of Possession of Stolen Property and Theft.
Was able to negotiate agreement whereby charges would be substantially reduced and client was able to keep medical license and not face deportation.
Felony Possession with Intent to Deliver Methamphetamine and Marijuana
Client was charged with B Felony Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana. While out on bond, client was charged with A Felony Possession with Intent to Deliver Methamphetamine. Client faced up to 35 years in prison.
After substantial legal juggling, we were able to convince the State to completely dismiss both major felonies. Client pled to one Count of Possession of a Controlled Substance, received a misdemeanor disposition, and was sentenced to a probationary sentence rather than jail.
Federal Felony Possession with Intent to Distribute
Client charged with Federal Felony Possession with Intent to Distribute over 100 kilograms of marijuana. Faced substantial Federal prison time, 20 years.
Was able to get around Minimum Mandatory prison sentence and client was sentenced to 1 year.
Felony Theft by Deception and Conspiracy to Commit Theft by Deception
Client was charged with embezzling $112,00 from a business where the client worked. Client faced 20 years in prison.
After substantial negotiation, and pushing the case right up to the eve of trial, we reached an agreement whereby our client, received a probation sentence, didn’t spend a day in jail, and upon successful completion of probation received a misdemeanor conviction rather than a felony conviction.
Felony Aggravated Assault
Client charged with Aggravated Assault for kicking someone in the head. Client faced 5 years in prison.
After over a year of legal wrangling, we were able to convince the government that our client acted in self defense. Charges were dismissed and the record sealed.
Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana
Client charged with Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana, a B Felony whereby they faced 10 years in prison.
Pressure was applied to the State regarding evidentiary issues they may have at trial and charge was reduced to a Misdemeanor and client didn’t spend a day in jail.
Felony Aggravated Assault
Client charged with two counts of Aggravated Assault. Client faced 10 years in prison.
After pushing the case right up to trial, the State backed down and dismissed one count and reduced the second count to a B Misdemeanor. Client didn’t spend a day in jail.
Felony Reckless Endangerment
Client was charged with Felony Reckless Endangerment for allegedly firing a pellet gun at another person’s face.
Was able to convince Prosecutor to reduce the charge to a Misdemeanor, and then entering into a “Pretrial Diversion Agreement” thus keeping clients record clean and military career intact.
Violation of a Domestic Violence Protection Order
Client was charged with violation of a domestic violence protection order for allegedly approaching his ex-girlfriend at a bar.
At jury trial we were able to substantially reduce the credibility of the complaining victim. After 15 minutes of deliberation, the jury came back with a Not Guilty verdict.
False Statement in a Government Matter
Client was arrested and charged with providing false information on government paperwork.
At jury trial we established that no one could possibly be expected to read/understand all of the ridiculous paperwork the Government makes you fill out. After 10 minutes of deliberation the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty
Reckless Driving
Client charged with Reckless Driving for allegedly running a highway patrolman off the road at 60 miles per hour. If convicted client would have lost their job.
At a Jury Trial we were able to establish that this was simply an accident, rather than a criminal act. The Jury found the client Not Guilty and he was able to keep his job.
Felony Theft from Employer
Our client was charged with stealing over $53,000 from the clients employer. Client faced 10 years in prison.
After extensive negotiations we were able to convince the Prosecutor and Judge to allow for a pretrial diversion. As a result, our client did not spend a single day in jail, and if they successfully complete probation, the file will be sealed, and the client will not have a criminal conviction whatsoever.
Felony Aggravated Assault
Client charged with Aggravated Assault. Client faced 5 years in prison.
State offered a B Misdemeanor, disorderly conduct. We rejected their offer. Later charges were dismissed completely.
Personal Injury
Client was assaulted at a bar in Bismarck.
We sued for Personal Injuries and a Jury came back with a $300,000.00 verdict for our client.
Personal Injury
Client severely injured when motorcycle was struck by a drunk driver.
Allstate Insurance agreed to tender their entire insurance policy limits, which were substantial.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Client charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
After Jury trial was found Not Guilty and was then able to obtain student loans.
Simple Assault
Client charged with Simple Assault for allegedly choking partner.
Found Not Guilty after Jury Trial because Police testimony failed to establish who “Predominant Aggressor” was.
Felony Child Abuse and Neglect
Client charged with Felony Child Abuse and Neglect for allegedly leaving their 4 year old child home alone overnight.
Was able to show the Prosecutor the “human side” of this situation and charge was reduced to small Misdemeanor whereby client could keep her job of 20 years.
Reckless Driving
Client charged with Reckless Driving for driving a truck erratically at 4:00 am. If convicted client would have lost their job.
During Jury Trial we poked all sorts of holes in the arresting Officers testimony and showed the Jury because client was a Newspaper Delivery Driver abrupt starts and stops are part of the job. Halfway through the trial the Judge granted a Rule 29 Judgment of Acquittal, which exonerated our client from all charges.
Personal Injury
Client seriously injured when driver of truck in which he was riding, while talking on a cell phone, pulled in front of a semi truck.
Allstate Insurance and Progressive Insurance companies both agreed to tender their entire policy limits to our client.
False Report to Law Enforcement
Client charged with False Report to Law Enforcement.
After discussions with Prosecutor, charges dismissed.
Possession of Marijuana & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Client charged with Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
State agreed to a “Pretrial Diversion” whereby client was able to keep very good job.
Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Deliver
Client charged with Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Deliver.
Due to potential illegal arrest and/or search, was able to get charges reduced to misdemeanor and client received no jail whatsoever.
Felony Aggravated Assault
Client charged with Felony Aggravated Assault for violent bar fight.
Was able to negotiate a reduction of charge to a Misdemeanor with no jail whatsoever.
Felony Burglary
Client charged with Felony Burglary.
After discussions with Prosecutor, State agreed to reduce charge to lowest Misdemeanor possible, B Misdemeanor & no jail.
Felony Aggravated Assault
Client charged with Felony Aggravated Assault for throwing a beer bottle, hitting them above the eye, and nearly killing someone.
Was able to get charge reduced to a Misdemeanor and client didn’t spend a single day in jail.
Driving Under the Influence
Client charged with Driving Under the Influence with a blood alcohol level of .22 (nearly 3 times the legal limit).
Was able to save the clients drivers license by 1) winning the Department of Transportation Administrative hearing and 2) negotiating a reduction in charge.
Revocation of Probation
Client was wanted for Revocation of Probation for multiple violations.
Even though the Probation Officer and Prosecutor wanted 3 years in Prison, a “Human” plea to the Court resulted in the Court ordering not a single day in jail.
Possession of Marijuana
Client was charged with Possession of Marijuana due to a shipment made to him.
We were able to convince the States Attorney that the Police Officers and/or Drug Task Force Officers had “bungled up” the case so badly, that they would ultimately lose and as a result had to dismiss the case.
Felony Terrorizing
Client charged with Felony Terrorizing for pointing loaded firearm at another man during dispute. Faced 2 year Minimum Mandatory Prison.
Charge was reduced to Misdemeanor and client was released on a short amount of “time served.”
Felony Vandalism
Client charged with a B Felony Vandalism resulting in $10,000 in damage. Client faced up to 10 years in prison.
Case was dismissed in its entirety when deal was negotiated whereby client agreed to pay for damages.
Felony NSF
Client charged with Felony NSF Check charges relating to his business account.
Charges were dismissed in multiple jurisdictions after we had discussions with the various Prosecutors about the potential horrible ramifications a Felony conviction would have on his business.
Fleeing, Driving Under Suspension and DUI
Client charged with fleeing, driving under suspension and driving under the influence.
The charges were dismissed a day before the jury trial because the Prosecution had failed to produce certain evidence to the defendant.